Results for 'Alastair M. Macleod'

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  1.  55
    Moore's Proof.Alastair M. Macleod - 1965 - Analysis 25 (4):154 - 160.
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    For Philosophers and Scientists.Alastair M. Taylor - 1973 - International Philosophical Quarterly 13 (1):111-129.
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    Canada 2001: Alternative futures for the Canadian communities.Alastair M. Taylor - 1981 - World Futures 18 (3):177-221.
  4.  52
    Societal transformations from Paleolithic to contemporary times.Alastair M. Taylor - 1977 - World Futures 15 (3):323-398.
  5. A Vitalistic Philosophy of History.Alastair M. Taylor - 1940 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 6:137.
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  6.  23
    The objectivity and subjectivity of pain practices in older adults with dementia: A critical reflection.Rianne M. Carragher, Emily MacLeod & Pilar Camargo-Plazas - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (4):e12397.
    Providing nursing care for people with dementia residing in long-term care facilities poses specific challenges regarding pain practices. With underlying communication barriers unique to dementia pathologies, this population is often unable to communicate verbal sentiments and descriptions of pain. In turn, nurses caring for older persons with dementia have difficulty assessing, managing and treating pain. Objectivity is an imperative factor in healthcare pain practices; however, it is difficult to objectively evaluate someone who cannot accurately communicate their experience of pain. Therefore, (...)
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    Modeling diffusion of energy innovations on a heterogeneous social network and approaches to integration of real-world data.Catherine S. E. Bale, Nicholas J. McCullen, Timothy J. Foxon, Alastair M. Rucklidge & William F. Gale - 2014 - Complexity 19 (6):83-94.
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    (1 other version)Quantum physics, illusion or reality?Alastair I. M. Rae - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Quantum physics is believed to be the fundamental theory underlying our understanding of the physical universe. However, it is based on concepts and principles that have always been difficult to understand and controversial in their interpretation. This book aims to explain these issues using a minimum of technical language and mathematics. After a brief introduction to the ideas of quantum physics, the problems of interpretation are identified and explained. The rest of the book surveys, describes and criticises a range of (...)
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  9. Reorientation in the real world: The development of landmark use and integration in a natural environment.Alastair D. Smith, Iain D. Gilchrist, Kirsten Cater, Naimah Ikram, Kylie Nott & Bruce M. Hood - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):1102-1111.
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    Lucian Opera Tomus I: Books I-Xxv.M. D. Macleod (ed.) - 1972 - Oxford University Press UK.
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  11. The Stroop task in cognitive research.Colin M. MacLeod - 2005 - In Amy Wenzel & David C. Rubin (eds.), Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research. American Psychological Association. pp. 17--40.
  12.  59
    Jules L. Coleman and Christopher Morris, Rational Commitment and Social Justice: Essays for Gregory Kavka:Rational Commitment and Social Justice: Essays for Gregory Kavka.Colin M. Macleod - 2000 - Ethics 110 (3):605-607.
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    Conceptions of Parental Autonomy.Colin M. Macleod - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (1):117-140.
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  14. Invisible Hand Arguments: Milton Friedman and Adam Smith.Alistair M. Macleod - 2007 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 5 (2):103-117.
    The version of the invisible hand argument in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments differs in important respects from the version in The Wealth of Nations. Both are different, in turn, from the version invoked by Milton Friedman in Free to Choose. However, all three have a common structure. Attention to this structure can help sharpen our sense of their essential thrust by highlighting the questions (about the nature of economic motivation, the structure of markets, and conceptions of the public (...)
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    Introduction.Colin M. Macleod - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (2):117-119.
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  16.  70
    Freedom as non-domination and educational justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (4):456-469.
  17.  48
    Political Theory and Public Policy.Alistair M. Macleod - 1982 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Some say that public policy can be made without the benefit of theory--that it emerges, instead, through trial-and-error. Others see genuine philosophical issues in public affairs but try to resolve them through fanciful examples. Both, argues Robert E. Goodin, are wrong. Goodin--a political scientist who is also an associate editor of Ethics--shows that empirical and ethical theory can and should guide policy. To be useful, however, these philosophical discussions of public affairs must draw upon actual policy experiences rather than contrived (...)
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    The Quest for Archives of British Men of Science.Roy M. MacLeod & James R. Friday - 1973 - History of Science 11 (1):8-20.
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  19. The Ayrton Incident: A Commentary on the Relations of Science and Government in England, 1870–1873.Roy M. MacLeod - 1974 - In Arnold Thackray & Everett Mendelsohn (eds.), Science and values. New York,: Humanities Press. pp. 45--78.
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    The Right to Vote, Democracy, and the Electoral System.Alistair M. Macleod - 2005 - Social Philosophy Today 21:111-124.
    Under the first-past-the-post electoral system that is still deeply entrenched in such democracies as Canada and the United States, it is not at all uncommon in a provincial, state, or federal election for there to be a striking lack of correspondence between the share of the seats a political party is able to win and its share of the popular vote. From the standpoint of the democratic ideal what is morally unacceptable about this system is that the right to vote (...)
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  21.  50
    Amartya Sen on human rights in The Idea of Justice.Alistair M. Macleod - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (1):11-19.
    In section I, I identify several mini-theses embedded in Amartya Sen’s theory of human rights – such theses as (1) that human rights are moral, not legal, rights, (2) that nevertheless they are not rights that are awaiting transformation into legal rights, (3) that an expansive doctrine of human rights can incorporate a broad swath of rights (civil, political, economic, social and cultural) without merely mimicking the catalogues in post-Second World War declarations and covenants, and (4) that not all the (...)
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  22.  32
    Free markets and democracy: Clashing ideals in a globalizing world?Alistair M. Macleod - 2006 - Journal of Social Philosophy 37 (1):139–162.
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    Instrumental Rationality and the Instrumental Doctrine.Alistair M. Macleod - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 44:144-149.
    In opposition to the instrumental doctrine of rationality, I argue that the rationality of the end served by a strategy is a necessary condition of the rationality of the strategy itself: means to ends cannot be rational unless the ends are rational. First, I explore cases-involving ‘proximate’ ends — where even instrumentalists must concede that the rationality of a strategy presupposes the rationality of the end it serves. Second, I draw attention to the counter-intuitive consequences — in cases involving ‘non-proximate’ (...)
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  24. G. A. Cohen on the Rawlsian Doctrine of the Basic Structure as Subject.Alistair M. Macleod - 2010 - Social Philosophy Today 26:153-163.
    In his recent book Rescuing Justice and Equality (Harvard University Press, 2008), G. A. Cohen returns to the defense of his critique of the Rawlsian doctrine of the “basic structure as subject.” This doctrine provides the centerpiece of what Rawls has to say about the domain of distributive justice—that is, about the sorts of things judgments of distributive justice are about and about the ways in which these judgments are interconnected. From the extensiveness of Cohen’s critique of this doctrine, it (...)
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  25.  14
    Liberalism, Justice, and Markets: A Critique of Liberal Equality.Colin M. Macleod - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This important new study presents a systematic and definitive critique of Ronald Dworkin's highly influential theory of liberal equality. Focusing on the connection Dworkin attempts to establish between economic markets and liberal egalitarian political morality, the study examines his contention that markets have an indispensable role to play in the articulation of liberal ideals of distributive justice, individual liberty, and state neutrality. Subjecting the central tenents of this theory to sustained critical analysis, the author argues that Dworkin's attempt to establish (...)
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  26.  14
    Values for Foxes? A Comment on Kyle Johannsen’s A Conceptual Investigation of Justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (4):729-739.
    Cet article propose une réponse critique à quelques thèmes du livre de Kyle Johannsen,A Conceptual Investigation of Justice. La discussion se penche sur l’analyse du pluralisme fondamental de la valeur proposée par Johannsen et met en cause cette même analyse. Je soutiens que l’analyse proposée par Johannsen ne parvient pas à expliquer comment des conflits entre des valeurs fondamentales peuvent être résolus et qu’il y a davantage de convergence entre des valeurs fondamentales que ne le reconnaît Johannsen.
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  27.  80
    Just Schools and Good Childhoods: Non‐preparatory Dimensions of Educational Justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (S1):76-89.
    This article offers an account of at least some of the non-preparatory dimensions of education and their significance for a theory of educational justice. I argue that just schools should play a role in facilitating goods of childhood. I also defend an egalitarian view about the access children should have in school to the resources and opportunities associated with the non-preparatory dimensions of education.
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  28.  45
    Promises and Promissory Obligations [or When Is There No Obligation to Keep a Promise?].Alistair M. Macleod - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (4):577-596.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  29. Everett and the Born rule.Alastair I. M. Rae - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (3):243-250.
  30. (2 other versions)Lucian Opera Tomus Ii.M. D. Macleod (ed.) - 1974 - Oxford University Press UK.
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  31.  57
    Comment on Larry May’s Crimes Against Humanity.Colin M. Macleod - 2007 - Social Philosophy Today 23:237-241.
  32.  51
    Equality and family values: conflict or harmony?Colin M. Macleod - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (3):301-313.
    This paper provides a critical commentary on the claim advanced by Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift in their book Family Values: The Ethics of Parent–Child Relationships that there is an ineliminable conflict between relationship goods and fair equality of opportunity. I argue there need be no conflict between family values and equality of opportunity in a suitably non-hierarchical society. I also argue that the idea that equality of opportunity might be served by abolishing the family is mistaken. Egalitarian justice does (...)
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  33.  53
    Symbol superiority: Why $ is better remembered than ‘dollar’.Brady R. T. Roberts, Colin M. MacLeod & Myra A. Fernandes - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105435.
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  34. Meredith Williams, Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning: Towards a Social Conception of Mind.M. MacLeod - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (4):305-306.
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  35. Non-preparatory dimensions of educational justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2022 - In Randall R. Curren (ed.), Handbook of philosophy of education. New York, NY: Routledge.
  36. Non-preparatory dimensions of educational justice.Colin M. Macleod - 2022 - In Randall R. Curren (ed.), Handbook of philosophy of education. New York, NY: Routledge.
  37. Samuel Freeman, Justice and the Social Contract: Essays on Rawlsian Political Philosophy.Colin M. Macleod - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):408.
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    The Compatibility of Liberty and Equality.Alistair M. Macleod - 2011 - Social Philosophy Today 27:147-168.
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    The Infamous Boundary.Alastair I. M. Rae - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (2):281.
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    Applying Justice as Fairness to Institutions.Colin M. Macleod - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy (eds.), A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 164–184.
    This chapter begins with an overview of John Rawls's four‐stage sequence account of how to apply justice as fairness to institutions. It focuses on the facets of institutional design: (i) How should basic democratic institutions and processes be structured so as to realize the fair value of the basic political liberties? (ii) What kinds of educational and health institutions are needed to secure fair equality of opportunity? (iii) How do principles of justice apply to the family? (iv) What implications does (...)
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  41.  43
    Justice and the Market.A. M. MacLeod - 1983 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):551 - 561.
    Direct comparison of the ostensibly competing principles embedded in rival theories of Justice is often complicated by differences of view as to the nature and scope of the concrete Judgments a theory of Justice must attempt to illumine. Aristotle's official view, for example, is that Justice is a disposition or character trait. This commits him to scrutiny of Judgments about the Justice of particular actions since it is actions which serve to reveal, and to help form, the disposition in question. (...)
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    Menander, Samia 13.M. D. Macleod - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):289-290.
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    No Title available: REVIEWS.A. M. Macleod - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (1):85-88.
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    Demetrios Th. Sakalis: ἡ γνησιότηα το “Ψευδοσοφιστ” το Λουκιανο. Pp. 85. Ioannina: University of Ioannina, 1979. Paper.M. D. MacLeod - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (1):113-113.
  45.  6
    Routledge Revivals: Paul Tillich : An Essay on the Role of Ontology in His Philosophical Theology.Alistair M. Macleod - 1973 - Routledge.
    First published in 1973, this is the first book on Paul Tillich in which a sustained attempt is made to sort out and evaluate the questions to which Tillich addresses himself in the crucial philosophical parts of his theological system. It is argued that despite the apparent simplicity in his interest in _the _‘question of being’, Tillich in fact conceives of the ontological enterprise in a number of radically different ways in different contexts. Much of Professor Macleod’s work is (...)
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  46.  76
    Manipulation of Attention at Study Affects an Explicit but Not an Implicit Test of Memory.Katrin F. Szymanski & Colin M. MacLeod - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (1-2):165-175.
    We investigated the impact of attention during encoding on later retrieval. During study, participants read some words aloud and named the print color of other words aloud . Then one of two memory tests was administered. The explicit test—recognition—required conscious recollection of whether a word was studied. Previously read words were recognized more accurately than were previously color named words. This contrasted sharply with performance on the implicit test—repetition priming in lexical decision. Here, words that were color named during study (...)
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  47.  56
    Hypnotic control of attention in the stroop task: A historical footnote.Colin M. MacLeod & Peter W. Sheehan - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (3):347-353.
    have recently provided a compelling demonstration of enhanced attentional control under post-hypnotic suggestion. Using the classic color-word interference paradigm, in which the task is to ignore a word and to name the color in which it is printed (e.g., RED in green, say ''green''), they gave a post-hypnotic instruction to participants that they would be unable to read. This eliminated Stroop interference in high suggestibility participants but did not alter interference in low suggestibility participants. replicated this pattern and further demonstrated (...)
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  48. The Voluntary Transactions Principle and the Free Market Ideal.Alistair M. Macleod - 2011 - Social Philosophy Today 27:31-46.
  49.  29
    The role of research evidence in pharmaceutical policy making: evidence when necessary but not necessarily evidence.Donald J. Willison & Stuart M. MacLeod - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (2):243-249.
  50.  68
    Equality, Justice, and Democracy.Alistair M. Macleod - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 15:413-424.
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